
Remembering Sunjik Kang (1920-2020)

RIP Grandpa Kang.

You lived a long life, this was going to be your 100th year on Earth. I’m going to miss you tremendously. I will never forget the times we spent together. You used to pick me up from elementary school and help me with my homework. After I got done, you taught me how to play Janggi, Korean Chess (장기). I got pretty good at that game because you taught me. I tried to teach you N64 at your old apartment on Main Avenue in Carson but that didn’t quite go as planned, the Gamecube and Wii were better at least haha.

You were a brilliant man. I remember when you were in your mid to late 80s you were learning how to use Windows XP on a laptop. It wasn’t quite easy but you were interested in it and that was pretty cool. Just a few months ago, you wanted an iPhone to FaceTime with us due to the shelter-in-place restrictions. I remember thinking wow, grandpa is very tech savvy haha.

The stories you told me about running away from North Korea during the war, being in Vietnam, moving to America, going to Seminary at San Jose Christian (now William Jessup) when you barely spoke English, church, and the funny stuff that happened in your life were always a blessing to listen to. I loved your piano playing and singing. I’ll never forget when you told me that singing hymns is all about worshipping God rather than using your talents.

I’ll miss those times playing chess with you, walking around your apartment, sitting in your room while you continued to eat animal crackers, watching your programmed shows on TV without even looking at the clock for the time, hearing your stories, listening to you sing even last year.

Grandpa Kang passing away is the first in my life and in our family. It’s a feeling I don’t understand how to explain. However I’ll always recall the memories I had with him and I’ll cherish them forever. He’s probably playing Korean chess (장기) with Jesus in Heaven right now lol.

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