Devotional Thoughts

DeVos – 8/30 Thoughts

2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5

Paul is showing his appreciation and gratitude to the Thessalonians. He reminds them of how they are saved by Jesus Christ and that we ought to share this truth with others. Paul encourages the Thessalonians to hold on their to their faith and remain steadfast. He is addressing sanctification here where he encourages the believers to remember that it is only through the gospel we can find encouragement, strength, and hope. This is important for us to remember and recall that the gospel that gave us eternal life is the same gospel that will help us continually remain steadfast in the faith. He then ask the Thessalonians to pray for Paul and the team as they continue to preach the gospel, face wicked persecution. Yet he also reminds them again that God will protect us with a shield from the evil one and that we can remain faithful for we have confidence in God’s love and perseverance.

The story of how Francis Scott Key witnessed American perseverance during the War of 1812 led to his writing of a song that eventually became the national anthem of the United States known as the Stars Spangled Banner. Key was witness to the bombardment of Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore. The constant bombardment would hammer the fort and you can see the American flag being tattered up from bullets and debris. Back then, when the bombs were flying and going off from the canon fire – all one would see is smoke arise. When the battle began, Key saw a small American flag flying over the fort. During the battle he saw the flag go down and didn’t know what happened next. The bombardment of the fort went through the entire night but in the morning as the air cleared, Francis Scott Key didn’t see a small American flag – instead he saw a large American flag indicating that the fort has not fallen and the Americans were victorious. Standing around the flag pole were the bodies of American soldiers that were attempting to hold down the flag pole after it was shredded multiple times from shrapnel. This perseverance of the American soldiers inspired him to pen the words “that our flag was still there.”

The American soldiers were steadfast in remaining strong in the midst of heavy opposition because they knew what that flag represented. It represents freedom. The freedom of speech, the freedom to worship, freedom from oppression. That motivation boosted the morale of the soldiers and they never caved nor did they surrender. This is what Paul was encouraging the Thessalonians to remember. The gospel that gave us eternal life is the same gospel that will give us hope in our current predicaments. Yes, life is difficult but we know we can persevere because God is on our side. We don’t have to give up! So today, let us continue to pray and encourage one another. Pray for one another to have a hedge of protection against Satan and his wiles. Pray that we would remain steadfast in the faith and push one another to stay committed.

Proverbs 30

The only hedge of protection that we have in our lives is the Word of God. It will guide and protect us from the evil one. It says in verse 5, “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”

Notice the prayer of the Proverbs author in verse 7-8. He ask of two things in his prayer. He prays that God will not refuse him before he dies. He prays that God would keep deceit and falsehood away from him but to give him his daily bread. Very similar to the Lord’s prayer.

We must honor and respect our parents. the Bible says in verse 17 that “The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures.” What a strong statement to honor our parents for this is indeed the fifth commandment out of the ten. God takes family very seriously.

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