Devotional Thoughts

DeVos – 9/05 Thoughts

Nehemiah 3:15-32

Again like yesterday’s devotion, we see a list of names detailed by Nehemiah concerning their tasks and responsibilities. I’m quite impressed at how thorough the list is and it is obvious that Nehemiah was gifted with administration. He also gives credit to each person involved in the project. Important aspects of Nehemiah’s leadership can be learned from these writings. Yet more important to me today is how this speaks clearly how “teamwork makes the dream work.” 

In an old Peanuts cartoon, Lucy demanded that her brother Linus change TV channels and then threatened him with her first if he didn’t. “What makes you think you can walk right in here and take over?” asked Linus. “These five fingers,” said Lucy. “Individually they are nothing, but when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold!” With a big sigh Linus replied,  “What channel do you want?” He then turned away while looking at his fingers and said, “Why can’t you guys get organized like that?” 

Yesterday evening for our Wednesday night prayer – we were praying for our 2nd service and one of the prayer request was the need of volunteers to step up and get involved. The 2nd Service launch in January is a major project and a step forward for our Canvas ministry. Yet the project will need to involve people in our Canvas ministry to volunteer and serve. It literally is a call for “all hands on deck” concerning the accomplishment of a successful launch for the 2nd service. Yet I am excited! I’m excited to see the same volunteers serve and the potential of new volunteers stepping up.

Individually, it will be hard to accomplish a project as large as this but together as a church family we are able to make it possible with as least difficulty! So I am praying our church will get behind this major project and get involved. I’m praying for our Canvas members to step up and serve this upcoming few months in preparation for the launch of our 2nd service. Exciting times are ahead for our ministry and can’t wait to see how the Lord blesses. That said, we should also do our part while God shows His power through His blessings unto us.  

Proverbs 5

Our views and thoughts are in full view of God. He examines each step that we take. This is what we must be aware of and no turn from wisdom to wicked ways. Majority of the passage here is a warning written to the author’s son to turn away from adultery. Her outer appearance and looks may attract you but they are deceiving. There is no good outcome when you fall into adultery. Don’t let the flesh drive your decisions, wisdom comes from only fearing the Lord and following His directions.

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