Nehemiah 7:61-73
There were others that came to Jerusalem that could not find their family records and therefore were excluded from the priesthood for they were considered “unclean” in verse 64. The next portion of today’s devotion gives a list of all that contributed to the work which included the governor, the heads of the families, and others. By the seventh month, the Israelites settled into the town.
One of the pillars of what makes us a Baptist is the letter “P” which is identified as the “Priesthood” of the believers. Because of the New Covenant, we have a personal connection with the Lord when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We do not have to go through a priest or a pastor to speak with God. However this cannot happen if we cannot “find our records” which means if you are not saved, or if you are not part of God’s family, you are considered unclean and cannot experience the priesthood of the believers. I am thankful for my salvation. I am thankful that a friend of mine invited me to church back in 2008 and on February 18th I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I know that I can have a personal relationship with the Lord because of my priesthood when Jesus came into my heart.
Every building project involves not only manpower but also money. The rebuilding of the wall involved contributions from many and Nehemiah listed them out in his records. When we think about giving in the church, we are giving specifically that the work of God can be accomplished. It is not giving to a corporation or something random. All the financial contributions that comes in gets redistributed back to accomplishing the work of God. Money is a tool and can be used for good and here we find the importance of money to accomplish the rebuilding of the wall that God has commanded Nehemiah to do.
Proverbs 13
What you say will eventually bite you back. Be careful with the words that come out from your mouth. In verse 3 it says “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.”
When you do the right thing, it will always come out. The truth will always prevail. When you remain righteous and obedient to the Lord, your integrity will always be protected. It says in verse 6, “Righteousness guards the person of integrity, but wickedness overthrows the sinner.”
Who you surround or associate yourself with will always influence the type of person you will be. It says in verse 20, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”
When you do not discipline your children, you do not truly love them. However a parent that loves their child will always be prudent and when necessary discipline them with tremendous care.