
Month Two

Today we begin the second month ever since my moms initial diagnosis of lung cancer on November 19th. It’s been an extremely rough month but when I look back I see many blessings as well. Day by day it is getting better. 

Our family grew stronger together as a family and spiritually as well. The increased amount of time I’ve spent with my mom has been nothing but enjoyable. I would do anything for my mom, no matter how much I need to sacrifice. The “I love you” saying to my mom is special and has a deep meaning behind it. Honestly, I have great parents. They’ve grown so much and their love for one another has been even more evident in the midst of this trial. My mom is such a warrior but she’s also very honest about what she is going through. I love her so much, she’s such an inspirational hero to me. 

Though we’re tired, we don’t feel exhausted (if that makes sense). It’s weird but it’s joyful to be tired when you’re doing whatever you can for your loved ones. I’ve learned a lot this past month. Family is so important and nothing matters as much in Earth as them.

Thank you to everyone for your support whether financially, by food, by visiting everyday, and by prayer. From our personal close friends, our friends from our churches like Hosanna Presbyterian, Hillcrest Baptist, and Bible Baptist, and our wonderful family relatives, you are all the best! This facility is also very nice and our oncologist is very good. She’s also a born-again Christian. 

Please continue to pray. We’ve been getting a lot of good news from our oncologist, specialists, and primary doctor the last few days. We trust the Lord that He is in control of what happens next.

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