
Month 3

Yesterday we had a follow up appointment and it was not good. We were expecting some good results but it was the complete opposite. We are changing our treatment plan because the current one doesn’t seem to be effective anymore. To be honest, I don’t understand why nothing is working. We received multiples opinions and all agreed that our current treatment was the way to go. I was deeply confused, sad, and scared… She is my best friend, my hero, my inspiration, my mom. It’s okay, we’re going to fight this.

Moments are coming and going in my thoughts and they make me tear up but prayer/devotions are helping me have peace. I recall the night I completely surrendered to Him regarding this trial, to trust Him for His will to be done. 

My mom is in a good mood and although the news did hurt, she is maintaining a smile on her face. She is such a wonderful woman and I love her so much. You would love to get to know my mom. She has many amazing stories and we’ve been reminiscing on them lately. She’s such a funny woman. She loves it when I tell her stories about the funny teens and families at Hillcrest, my crazy dating stories (she really likes those haha), watch Netflix/KDrama with her, and so much more. We’ve just been talking, sitting, also making fun of dad and his silly antics… in front of him haha. He gives us that funny look 👀 but he’s enjoying it too. 

I am blessed with two strong and godly parents. My dad has been a spiritual giant in the midst of this trial and has tremendously helped me both spiritually and mentally get through this. I am thankful for his influence in my life over the past 26 years. He’s a really good dad honestly. Most Korean dads are not like him. My dad is so caring for me and literally someone that pulls me up in my darkest moments. This trial made me aware of that even more. 

And so here we are, about to turn a new direction which may be more difficult but we’re going to try and get through this together. Our family is strong and able, I believe we can fight this together and become stronger in unity. 

I thank you all for your financial support, prayers, and encouraging words. You all have been a tremendous blessing. Please continue to pray for us, the fight isn’t over and we shall continue to overcome and keep on keeping on. #BeatCancer.

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