Devotional Thoughts

DeVos – 9/09 Thoughts

Nehemiah 5:14-19

Here we find an example of the humble servanthood of Nehemiah. This is an example of Christ within Nehemiah’s testimony. He could have taxed his people to support him and his endeavor just as his predecessors have done so but he chose not to. He knew that the people were already having a difficult time and more importantly Nehemiah had great reverence for the Lord. He chose not to manipulate or sin against God’s people because of his tremendous love for God. Instead Nehemiah devoted himself to the rebuilding of this wall alongside the people that were under his management. He showed generosity and compassion to the people when he received food from surrounding nations. He gave the food to the people that worked under him and he prays unto the Lord to remember him for what he has done.

My dad is one of the greatest example of a pastor and a godly man that I know of. Is he perfect? No. He’s actually pretty goofy! However when I read about this story of Nehemiah’s compassion and servanthood, I think about my dad. Every time I visit my dad’s church, I always see him taking out the trash and mopping the floor. There are other church members but he chooses to do so. He always put family first. When my mom was alive, he did whatever he can to make her feel satisfied and my mom was certainly touched by that. In return, she did whatever she can do make him feel loved and respected. They had an amazing and healthy relationship, especially for first-generation Koreans. I remember asking my dad why he does so much for the church and for mom and his reply is one that stuck with me for years. He said, “because I love them” and “because I love your mom”. 

It’s that simple. Love makes you do all kinds of things but it will enable one to show devotion and loyalty to the one receiving it. When we love God, we commit to certain actions because of our love for God and to Him. If we truly love God, we will turn away from sin. If we truly love God, we will serve Him in the local church. If we truly love God, we will sing praises and worship Him constantly. If we truly love God, we will truly love one another.

This was Nehemiah. He wasn’t perfect but he loved God. He loved God so much that he did not want to do wicked things and he wanted to continue doing what God has commanded us to do. He loved God and that gave him the compassion to love other people. When we love God and when we love God’s people, God will certainly remember and grant us favor for it.

Proverbs 9

Sometimes when we rebuke someone, they will mock and insult us. This is a sign of their spiritual and emotional immaturity. This will happen. However when we rebuke and confront the wise, they will love you even more. These individuals will become more wise as their grow. 

The only way that one can have wisdom is that they fear the Lord. This fear is not because they are scared of God. This fear is out of reverence and love for God. When we love God truly in the depths of our heart, we will begin to have wisdom from His amazing grace. Wisdom will gain you many years of your life and give you tremendous blessing.

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